
Magento ERP

Connect Magento with your ERP and integrate Magento with your business logic. Connecting Magento with your ERP will make your online shop management easier. Magento ERP connector will let you greatly simplify the management of your e-commerce integrating your online shop processes with your business logic. Connect Magento orders, customers and products with your ERP and make your e-commerce management automatic.

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Conector Magento-ERP

Magento ERP connector will integrate and simplify most of the processes of your online shop

Magento ERP connection service is intended for those companies that have an ERP as their business logic manager and want to integrate it with their online sales channel. Connection between Magento and ERP will centralise the company's business logic on the ERP, integrating and automating all its functionalities on our online sales channel powered by Magento framework. Magento ERP connector allows synchronisation of the most important information flows of your company so that Magento and the ERP work together on a centralised way to reduce management tasks done by both platforms administrators.

Magento ERP connector will automate the information flow tasks between Magento and the ERP.

We adapt every kind of ERP

We adapt every kind of ERPWe have a broad experience in connecting Magento and different ERP's both on B2B and B2C business models. Our service Magento ERP connection is compatible with the market-leading ERP's (Navison, Axapta, SAP, SAGE, OPEN ERP, SPYRO, Odoo among others) and also adapts to any other custom-made ERP. If you are thinking about integrating you company information flow with Magento this is the e-commerce service you need.

Product creation

Product creationMagento ERP connector service will create and update your online shop products as they are created and changed on your ERP. Forget about creating products manually from admin panel of the Magento framework. If your company has a great variety of products, we synchronise product creation and edition of the most important fields to keep your Magento online shop with the latest changes and up-to-date with your ERP information.

Customer information share

Customer information shareMagento ERP connector lets you transfer all the customer information from your Magento to your ERP. Centralise all the information regarding your customers on your ERP platform: Name and surname, shipping and billing addresses, payment methods, email and any other data from your customer you might consider interesting for your business logic.

Order synchronisation

Order synchronisationMagento ERP connector service lets you synchronise Magento orders with your ERP. Connect all order information regarding payment and shipping methods, product lines, prices, amounts, discounts and all the necessary information you need for a correct order management between Magento and your ERP.

Prices and fees connection

Prices and fees connectionMagento ERP connector service manages different product prices and fees for you. Update product prices and fees from your ERP and get them automatically and massively on your Magento e-commerce platform. Have your prices always updated with our Magento ERP connector service.

Invoice synchronisation

Invoice synchronisationMagento ERP service lets your online shop customers view invoices generated on your ERP. From the user account dashboard they will have access to the invoices created on the ERP to integrate and centralise your accounting on a single platform.

Stock integration

Stock integrationMagento ERP conection service lets you handle one shared stock between your online shop and your ERP. Manage your stock on a single place. Communicate any stock variation and keep your online shop up-to-date with the correct stock amounts.

Reduce costs and errors

Reduce costs and errorsBy automating and synchronising information flows of your company you will improve purchase experience of your customers in an indirect way, given that you will reduce error chances and mistakes and therefore you will have less costs caused by those errors and their management.

Magento ERP service is based on an initial analysis of our client needs to take into consideration all the entities that need to be connected and the best way to do it depending on client requirements. We are experts in Magento ERP connectors and we offer customised solutions based on the use of data exchange folders, web services, Magento API or any other kind of technology that better adapts to our client requirements.

Tell us about your ecommerce project

If you are thinking on a new online project or you want to boost your current ecommerce, we will be glad to help you.

We are your quality and experienced technologic partner.

José Ramón Pomares, 4, esc.2, 7ºD
03008 Alicante (Alicante)

Catedrático Agustín Escardino, 9
Parc Científic de la Universidad de València
46980 Paterna (Valencia)

960 601 992 especialistaenmagento

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Connector Magento ERP to synchronise processes